Jumpstart Community Development Grant
Community Development Grants have two funding streams. The Operational stream assists organizations with operational costs, while the Programming stream helps organizations develop or sustain sports and recreational programming for kids aged 4-18 in financial need and youth with disabilities between the ages of 4-25.

Co-Op Community Spaces Grant
The Co-op Community Spaces Program was established to improve community health and well-being by building places for Western Canadians to come together, build social connections and enable community development.
Projects can apply for between $25,000 and $150,000 in capital funding in three categories:
Recreation – Providing enhanced recreation spaces in the community.
Environmental Conservation – Preservation of natural spaces in the community.
Urban Agriculture – Small-scale community agriculture initiatives in both rural and urban spaces.
Applicants eligible for funding include:
- Registered charities under the Canada Revenue Agency with valid registration numbers
- Registered non-profit organizations under their provincial government with proof of registration (e.g. letters of incorporation)
- Non-profit organizations working with their municipal government who will accept funding and issue receipts on their behalf
- Community service co-operatives
Projects eligible for funding must:
- Be available and accessible for community use
- Align with one of the three funding categories (recreation, environmental conservation or urban agriculture)
- Be completed within two years
- Be a capital project
- Be located in British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan or Manitoba
- Provide the opportunity for permanent signage
Applications Open February 1 – March 1 annually.

Take the Lead Funding
What is Take the Lead?
The Take the Lead Program provides support for Albertan girls and women to become experienced leaders in sport and recreation.
Applicants can apply for support with costs associated with training, course fees, professional development, professional certification, clinics, equipment, travel, lodging, meals, and other training related activities. They follow AGLC guidelines for these eligible expenses.
The Take the Lead Program is NOT intended to support physical activity projects and recreational initiatives.
The Take the Lead program provides support for girls and women working or volunteering in the sport or active living communities, recreation field or school system who are working towards increasing their leadership capacity.

Girls in Motion
Girls in Motion program provides the opportunity to apply for a contribution of up to $2500 for Alberta not-for-profit and charitable organizations to run high-quality recreational, sport/physical activity programs specifically for girls ages 6-17 in Alberta. Not-for-profit and charitable organizations are encouraged to apply for support to increase movement opportunities for individuals who have been, and continue to be, excluded from our sporting, recreation, and physical activity systems due to interrelated factors such as race, gender, income, (dis)ability, religion, and language.
- Girls in Motion programs are community-based and directed with opportunities for girls to experience physical activity in a relaxed, fun and enjoyable atmosphere.
- Girls in Motion programs are run and organized by the applying not-for-profit or charity and are tailored based on the needs of individual communities they serve.
- Girls in Motion programs are run as an ongoing program over a series of days, weeks or months.

Women in Motion
The Women in Motion Program program provides the opportunity to apply for a contribution of up to $2500 for Alberta not-for-profit and charitable organizations to run high-quality recreational, sport/physical activity programs specifically for women 18+ in Alberta. Not-for-profit and charitable organizations are encouraged to apply for support to increase movement opportunities for individuals who have been, and continue to be, excluded from our sporting, recreation, and physical activity systems due to interrelated factors such as race, gender, income, (dis)ability, religion, and language.
- Women in Motion are community-based and directed programs that provide opportunities to learn new skills, have positive social interactions and have fun participating in physical activity.
- Women in Motion programs are run and organized by the applying not-for-profit or charity and are tailored to fit the needs of the community they are serving.
- Women in Motion programs are run as an ongoing program over a series of days, weeks or months. Please note that we are unable to support 1-2 day wellness events/conferences with this program.

Major Sport Events Grant Program
The Sport Participation Support Program provides financial assistance to not-for-profit organizations towards the development and operation of projects or programs that:
- increase sport opportunities for athletes, coaches, officials and volunteer leaders from under-represented and marginalized populations
- this would include groups such as girls and women, Indigenous populations, children and youth from economically disadvantaged families, persons with a disability, and new Canadians
- support projects strengthening physical literacy in children and youth participation that are compatible with the first 3 stages of the long-term development framework
Applications Currently Closed

Major Sport Events Grant Program
The Major Sport Events grant program (MSE) builds on Alberta’s reputation as an attractive destination with proven capacity for hosting a wide range of national and international calibre sport events. It recognizes the network of strong sport organizations who demonstrate the ability to collaborate and deliver high quality events. The program provides an opportunity to build on Alberta’s strengths that include diverse natural landscapes; existing sport and tourism-related facilities; and vibrant communities with quality services and amenities.
The purpose of the program is to streamline processes and maximize limited funding for organizations.
Major Sport Events will consider national or international sport events sanctioned by national sport organizations or international federations. This could include national and world championships, Olympic and Paralympic qualifying, and world cup events.
Applications Currently Closed

Active Communities Initiative
The Active Communities Initiative is open to eligible community groups, non-profit organizations, and societies, and First Nations and Métis Settlements, that wish to build or enhance active spaces that support sport and recreation in their communities. The grant is intended for small and mid-sized projects, including indoor and outdoor skating rinks, community pools, indoor turf centres, pickle ball courts, sports fields and courts, and other sport and recreational facilities.
Applications currently closed

Every Kid Can Play – Community Level
Every Kid Can Play Program
Community-Level Non-Profit Organization Grant Application
The Every Kid Can Play program – Community-Level Non-Profit Organization grant is designed to increase the affordability and accessibility of community based sport, physical activity, and recreation programming through financial support to non-profit organizations This funding opportunity will support community-level non-profit organizations in the delivery of existing sport, physical activity, and recreation programming.
Applications Closed

Built Together Grant
The Built Together program helps Albertans build spaces for active living in their community. Whether it be a skate park, playground, outdoor gym or sports court, we’re giving back to Albertans and helping them live their best lives.
Each year, Alberta Blue Cross award $50,000 grants in Edmonton, Calgary, a secondary city, rural community and an Indigenous community.
Built Together funds infrastructure projects that foster active living. Eligible projects include but are not limited to
- outdoor gyms
- cycling paths
- construction or replacement of playgrounds, skate parks, and outdoor rinks.
Programs must be publicly accessible and free of a membership charge.
Applications closed

Makadiff Grassroots Community Sport Grant Program
The 2024 Makadiff Grassroots Community Sport program is designed to strengthen the growth and development of sports initiatives committed to creating a positive impact within Alberta communities.
Prospective applicants who align with the following eligibility requirements are invited to apply for this grant opportunity:
Alberta’s sports sector includes sporting bodies, local municipalities, school jurisdictions, Indigenous communities, Metis Settlements, and agricultural societies.
Various sports-related entities, such as sports programs, sports associations, school boards, schools, and education programs that offer training or instruction within the realm of sports.
Applicants with projects focused on sports programs catering to children and youth will be given priority consideration. Particular emphasis will be placed on projects centered around girl and woman-focused sports and initiatives driven by youth leadership.
The application form will remain open currently closed.

UFA Rural Communities Grant
The UFA Agricultural Community Foundation’s Rural Communities Grant support projects that:
- Align with one of the three funding categories of Recreational, Educational Events and Activities, or Cultural Facilities and Programs;
- Enrich the rural life of agricultural, farming and ranching community members who live within 200 km of a UFA location;
- Represent a capital project that will be completed within two years;
- Are planned to be available and accessible for community use;
- Have a demonstrated need and show positive impact within the community; and
- Do not duplicate existing services.
Applications currently closed.

Northwestern Alberta Foundation
The Northwestern Alberta Foundation has the pulse on our growing and changing region. Each year, through Grants, we support a wide range of innovative projects and organizations that are changing lives and helping to create more vibrant, livable communities.
The NAF has funds available for sport organizations capital expense projects.
Applications currently closed.

Shade Structure Grant Program
The Canadian Dermatology Association Shade Structure Grant Program provides five grant(s) of up to $7,500 each for the purchase or construction of permanent shade structures to schools, daycares, city parks, and not-for-profit organizations. The goal is to create a safe outdoor environment that protects people from the sun’s harmful ultraviolet radiation.
Applications closed

Communities ChooseWell Healthy Communities Grant
Grants are for up to $5,000, and are designed to support healthy eating and active living initiatives in Alberta.
Communities ChooseWell provides the Healthy Community Grant to transform and promote local places, programs, policies, and partnerships focused on improving healthy eating and active living at the community level.
The Healthy Community Grant is designed to support:
Action – Enable action to improve healthy eating and/or active living within the scope of recreation at the community level
Collaboration – Support collaboration among community members and different sectors to create communities that foster wellness
Equity – Develop environments where the healthy choice is easy, accessible, and sustainable for everyone
The application period for the Healthy Community Grants normally runs from January to February of each calendar year.

Every Kid Community Program
The Every Kid Every Community program was launched in 2011, with the goal of ensuring a gateway to play hockey for any child in Alberta who is interested in the sport. The goal is to provide every child in Alberta the opportunity to play hockey, have fun and, in many cases, experience the sport for the first time.
Funding through Every Kid Every Community is available to assist amateur sports organizations, minor hockey organizations, youth groups, recreation groups, or any community group with an idea, project or program that helps establish an event or program to get local children active in hockey. Hockey is a great way for kids to be active, healthy and surrounded by positive leaders in their community. Keeping kids active in sport helps reduce childhood obesity, creates a safe and fun environment and forms friendships.
Community Assistance Grant
Funds to create a new program or support an existing program focused on recruiting new players to the game regardless of age, skill or environmental factors. Program grants are awarded to a maximum of $5,000 per year per group. Possible examples include: floor hockey club (renting space or equipment), try hockey program (renting ice or purchasing equipment), pond hockey program and events.

Walmart Strong Communities Grant
Walmart believes that strengthening local communities through local grants supporting local programs creates value for our business as well as society and help communities thrive.
Walmart stores and distribution centres to give several $1,000 Community Grants each year to local, non-profit organizations, such as schools, sports teams and community services.

Canada-Alberta Job Grant
The Canada-Alberta Job Grant is a training program where an employer applies on behalf of their present or future employees for eligible training costs. Employers decide who gets training and what type of training may be needed for their employees.
Funding provided by the Government of Canada through the Workforce Development Agreement.

Community Facility Enhancement Program (Small)
For Projects up to $125,000
Community Facility Enhancement Program (CFEP) funding provides financial assistance to acquire, build, purchase, repair, renovate, upgrade or expand sports, recreational, cultural or other related public-use community facilities.
Annual application deadlines:
- January 15
- May 15
- September 15
Projects must be completed within 18 months from the date the cheque is received by the organization.

Community Facility Enhancement Program (Large)
For Projects from $125,001 – $1,000,000
Community Facility Enhancement Program (CFEP) funding provides financial assistance to acquire, build, purchase, repair, renovate, upgrade or expand sports, recreational, cultural or other related public-use community facilities.
Annual EOI closing date June 15.
Projects must be completed within 18 months from the date the cheque is received by the organization.

Community Initiatives Program
The re-opening of CIP Project-Based grant program will support non-profits in their work to rebuild social connections in Alberta’s communities and support Alberta’s recovery. Non-profit and community organizations will look at the delivery of their programs and services during the COVID-19 health emergency in innovative and creative ways. Please review the CIP PROJECT-BASED GUIDELINES for eligibility and funding criteria.
- Funding will focus on events, festivals, programs and projects delivered in innovative and creative ways.
- Higher priority will be given to:
- projects that consider public health measures
- events and festivals that support economic recover
- programs and projects that support social connectivity

Canada Post Community Foundation Grants
Grants for community-based support projects
Most of the grants we award fall into this category. Eligible projects should increase the capacity of an organization and create or expand services, rather than maintaining existing services. For example, purchasing new equipment or launching new programs.
Project grants are available for projects valued at up to $25,000 each.
Signature Grant
The Signature Grant is meant to contribute to the overall work and mission of national organizations that deliver programs or support to Canadian children and youth.
Up to three (3) Signature Grants of $50,000 each can be awarded each year.
Indigenous Truth and Reconciliation Signature Grant
The Indigenous Truth and Reconciliation Signature Grant is available to Indigenous regional or local organizations offering programming anchored in the principles of Indigenous truth and reconciliation that supports Indigenous children and youth across the country.
One (1) Indigenous Truth and Reconciliation Signature Grant of $50,000 can be awarded each year.
Applications open in February

Local Marketing Grant
The Local Marketing Grant has been developed to support local businesses in the creation of a marketing plan and/or marketing materials that aims to drive cash flow to the business and supports economic recovery.
The grant will allow business owners to enhance their marketing efforts or digital presence while driving local tourism efforts by attracting visitors to the city.

Pursuit of Excellence Grant
The City of Grande Prairie’s Pursuit of Excellence Fund is designed to provide assistance to athletes, coaches, and sport organizations, to achieve “excellence”.
Athletes, Coaches and Sport Organization Funding & Scholarships
Coaching education, particularly locally through clinics, conferences, and symposiums is first priority with the Committee. Applicants may be eligible for up to two-thirds of the funds required; the individual/club is to provide remaining. Application Deadlines February 1 & August 1.
Funding applications received from Referees/ Officials to upgrade their accreditation for their respective sport will be evaluated on an individual basis.
Applicants are encouraged to offer training locally to allow for a greater number of Coaches, Officials, Volunteers to benefit from the training. The Committee may approve up to $1,000 towards:
- Workshops
- Clinics
- Symposiums
Individuals/Teams representing the Province of Alberta and competing at or below the Junior Level who have qualified to attend national or championship competition, not including Invitational Tournaments, may be eligible for the following assistance.
The Bob Neufeld Scholarship provides up to 4 scholarships of $1,000 annually to individuals who are pursuing excellence in their chosen sport(s). Applications can be from individual athletes, volunteer coaches or officials who have a desire to further their expertise in their chosen sport. Applications Deadline October 1.

Come Fly With Me Grant
In 2006, Grande Prairie resident and former Canadian Freestyle Ski Team athlete Ryan Blais established the Come Fly with Me Legacy Fund: an endowment held with the Community Foundation of Northwestern Alberta as a result of the firsthand experience and support he received from our community and region throughout his athletic pursuits. He wished to extend the same opportunities to the next generation of elite level athletes that represent this region on the national and international stage.
This award is given to local athletes who require assistance to enhance their training and development. Recipients should demonstrate and value contributing to their community and strive towards the building of mutually beneficial relationships. Athletes are well positioned to be positive role models in their communities and can be the leaders of tomorrow.

Large Scale Tourism Events Grant
Large Scale Tourism Events funding applications will be considered once per year. The deadline for submission of funding applications is February 1 of each year. Applications are accepted for festivals and sporting events that have a tourism draw of 100 kilometres or greater, resulting in at least 35% of attendance by visitors to our community. A Large Scale Tourism Event would provide a unique audience and/or participant experience, and can result in a significant economic and/or tourism benefit to Grande Prairie. Large Scale Tourism Events are generally a ticketed, multi-day event with an attendance of greater than 2000 people per day.

County of Grande Prairie Capital Grant Program
Recreational and Cultural Facilities provide opportunities for people to enjoy sport, leisure, or community activities that promote healthy, active and satisfying lifestyles. The County is committed to ensuring that Recreational and Cultural Facilities are available to meet the needs of County residents and visitors. County Council offers financial assistance to organizations and neighbouring municipalities to construct, rehabilitate or expand facilities within the County and neighbouring municipalities.
Capital Grants are subdivided into two streams – Major Capital and Capital Assistance, each having its own criteria and funding models.
1. The Capital Assistance Grant funds improvements and repairs to the physical infrastructure of recreational or cultural facilities that serve County residents.
2. The Major Capital Grant funds construction or rehabilitation to the physical infrastructure of facilities that serve County residents.
Application open August 1, 2024.

Community Initiatives Program (CIP)
The Community Initiatives Program (CIP), Project-Based grant stream supports projects that enhance and enrich communities throughout Alberta by providing assistance to non-profit organizations for:
- new programs
- enhancement to an existing program
- community events
- gender equity projects
- technology
- portable equipment
Annual application intake deadlines
- January 15
- May 15
- September 15

Major Sport Events Grant Program
The Major Sport Events grant program (MSE) builds on Alberta’s reputation as an attractive destination with proven capacity for hosting a wide range of national and international calibre sport events. It recognizes the network of strong sport organizations who demonstrate the ability to collaborate and deliver high quality events. The program provides an opportunity to build on Alberta’s strengths that include diverse natural landscapes; existing sport and tourism-related facilities; and vibrant communities with quality services and amenities.
The purpose of the program is to streamline processes and maximize limited funding for organizations.
Major Sport Events will consider national or international sport events sanctioned by national sport organizations or international federations. This could include national and world championships, Olympic and Paralympic qualifying, and world cup events.
Applications Currently Closed

Active Communities Initiative
The Active Communities Initiative is open to eligible community groups, non-profit organizations, and societies, and First Nations and Métis Settlements, that wish to build or enhance active spaces that support sport and recreation in their communities. The grant is intended for small and mid-sized projects, including indoor and outdoor skating rinks, community pools, indoor turf centres, pickle ball courts, sports fields and courts, and other sport and recreational facilities.
Applications currently closed

Every Kid Can Play – Community Level
Every Kid Can Play Program
Community-Level Non-Profit Organization Grant Application
The Every Kid Can Play program – Community-Level Non-Profit Organization grant is designed to increase the affordability and accessibility of community based sport, physical activity, and recreation programming through financial support to non-profit organizations This funding opportunity will support community-level non-profit organizations in the delivery of existing sport, physical activity, and recreation programming.
Applications Closed

Built Together Grant
The Built Together program helps Albertans build spaces for active living in their community. Whether it be a skate park, playground, outdoor gym or sports court, we’re giving back to Albertans and helping them live their best lives.
Each year, Alberta Blue Cross award $50,000 grants in Edmonton, Calgary, a secondary city, rural community and an Indigenous community.
Built Together funds infrastructure projects that foster active living. Eligible projects include but are not limited to
- outdoor gyms
- cycling paths
- construction or replacement of playgrounds, skate parks, and outdoor rinks.
Programs must be publicly accessible and free of a membership charge.
Applications closed

UFA Rural Communities Grant
The UFA Agricultural Community Foundation’s Rural Communities Grant support projects that:
- Align with one of the three funding categories of Recreational, Educational Events and Activities, or Cultural Facilities and Programs;
- Enrich the rural life of agricultural, farming and ranching community members who live within 200 km of a UFA location;
- Represent a capital project that will be completed within two years;
- Are planned to be available and accessible for community use;
- Have a demonstrated need and show positive impact within the community; and
- Do not duplicate existing services.
Applications currently closed.

Northwestern Alberta Foundation
The Northwestern Alberta Foundation has the pulse on our growing and changing region. Each year, through Grants, we support a wide range of innovative projects and organizations that are changing lives and helping to create more vibrant, livable communities.
The NAF has funds available for sport organizations capital expense projects.
Applications currently closed.

Jumpstart Community Development Grant
Community Development Grants have two funding streams. The Operational stream assists organizations with operational costs, while the Programming stream helps organizations develop or sustain sports and recreational programming for kids aged 4-18 in financial need and youth with disabilities between the ages of 4-25.
Applications closed

Shade Structure Grant Program
The Canadian Dermatology Association Shade Structure Grant Program provides five grant(s) of up to $7,500 each for the purchase or construction of permanent shade structures to schools, daycares, city parks, and not-for-profit organizations. The goal is to create a safe outdoor environment that protects people from the sun’s harmful ultraviolet radiation.
Applications closed

Co-Op Community Spaces Grant
The Co-op Community Spaces Program was established to improve community health and well-being by building places for Western Canadians to come together, build social connections and enable community development.
Projects can apply for between $25,000 and $150,000 in capital funding in three categories:
Recreation – Providing enhanced recreation spaces in the community.
Environmental Conservation – Preservation of natural spaces in the community.
Urban Agriculture – Small-scale community agriculture initiatives in both rural and urban spaces.
Applicants eligible for funding include:
- Registered charities under the Canada Revenue Agency with valid registration numbers
- Registered non-profit organizations under their provincial government with proof of registration (e.g. letters of incorporation)
- Non-profit organizations working with their municipal government who will accept funding and issue receipts on their behalf
- Community service co-operatives
Projects eligible for funding must:
- Be available and accessible for community use
- Align with one of the three funding categories (recreation, environmental conservation or urban agriculture)
- Be completed within two years
- Be a capital project
- Be located in British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan or Manitoba
- Provide the opportunity for permanent signage
Applications Open February 1 – March 1 annually.

Communities ChooseWell Healthy Communities Grant
Grants are for up to $5,000, and are designed to support healthy eating and active living initiatives in Alberta.
Communities ChooseWell provides the Healthy Community Grant to transform and promote local places, programs, policies, and partnerships focused on improving healthy eating and active living at the community level.
The Healthy Community Grant is designed to support:
Action – Enable action to improve healthy eating and/or active living within the scope of recreation at the community level
Collaboration – Support collaboration among community members and different sectors to create communities that foster wellness
Equity – Develop environments where the healthy choice is easy, accessible, and sustainable for everyone
The application period for the Healthy Community Grants normally runs from January to February of each calendar year.

Every Kid Community Program
The Every Kid Every Community program was launched in 2011, with the goal of ensuring a gateway to play hockey for any child in Alberta who is interested in the sport. The goal is to provide every child in Alberta the opportunity to play hockey, have fun and, in many cases, experience the sport for the first time.
Funding through Every Kid Every Community is available to assist amateur sports organizations, minor hockey organizations, youth groups, recreation groups, or any community group with an idea, project or program that helps establish an event or program to get local children active in hockey. Hockey is a great way for kids to be active, healthy and surrounded by positive leaders in their community. Keeping kids active in sport helps reduce childhood obesity, creates a safe and fun environment and forms friendships.
Community Assistance Grant
Funds to create a new program or support an existing program focused on recruiting new players to the game regardless of age, skill or environmental factors. Program grants are awarded to a maximum of $5,000 per year per group. Possible examples include: floor hockey club (renting space or equipment), try hockey program (renting ice or purchasing equipment), pond hockey program and events.

Take the Lead Funding
What is Take the Lead?
The Take the Lead Program provides support for Albertan girls and women to become experienced leaders in sport and recreation.
Applicants can apply for support with costs associated with training, course fees, professional development, professional certification, clinics, equipment, travel, lodging, meals, and other training related activities. They follow AGLC guidelines for these eligible expenses.
The Take the Lead Program is NOT intended to support physical activity projects and recreational initiatives.
The Take the Lead program provides support for girls and women working or volunteering in the sport or active living communities, recreation field or school system who are working towards increasing their leadership capacity.

Girls in Motion
Girls in Motion program provides the opportunity to apply for a contribution of up to $2500 for Alberta not-for-profit and charitable organizations to run high-quality recreational, sport/physical activity programs specifically for girls ages 6-17 in Alberta. Not-for-profit and charitable organizations are encouraged to apply for support to increase movement opportunities for individuals who have been, and continue to be, excluded from our sporting, recreation, and physical activity systems due to interrelated factors such as race, gender, income, (dis)ability, religion, and language.
- Girls in Motion programs are community-based and directed with opportunities for girls to experience physical activity in a relaxed, fun and enjoyable atmosphere.
- Girls in Motion programs are run and organized by the applying not-for-profit or charity and are tailored based on the needs of individual communities they serve.
- Girls in Motion programs are run as an ongoing program over a series of days, weeks or months.

Women in Motion
The Women in Motion Program program provides the opportunity to apply for a contribution of up to $2500 for Alberta not-for-profit and charitable organizations to run high-quality recreational, sport/physical activity programs specifically for women 18+ in Alberta. Not-for-profit and charitable organizations are encouraged to apply for support to increase movement opportunities for individuals who have been, and continue to be, excluded from our sporting, recreation, and physical activity systems due to interrelated factors such as race, gender, income, (dis)ability, religion, and language.
- Women in Motion are community-based and directed programs that provide opportunities to learn new skills, have positive social interactions and have fun participating in physical activity.
- Women in Motion programs are run and organized by the applying not-for-profit or charity and are tailored to fit the needs of the community they are serving.
- Women in Motion programs are run as an ongoing program over a series of days, weeks or months. Please note that we are unable to support 1-2 day wellness events/conferences with this program.

Walmart Strong Communities Grant
Walmart believes that strengthening local communities through local grants supporting local programs creates value for our business as well as society and help communities thrive.
Walmart stores and distribution centres to give several $1,000 Community Grants each year to local, non-profit organizations, such as schools, sports teams and community services.

Canada-Alberta Job Grant
The Canada-Alberta Job Grant is a training program where an employer applies on behalf of their present or future employees for eligible training costs. Employers decide who gets training and what type of training may be needed for their employees.
Funding provided by the Government of Canada through the Workforce Development Agreement.

Community Facility Enhancement Program (Small)
For Projects up to $125,000
Community Facility Enhancement Program (CFEP) funding provides financial assistance to acquire, build, purchase, repair, renovate, upgrade or expand sports, recreational, cultural or other related public-use community facilities.
Annual application deadlines:
- January 15
- May 15
- September 15
Projects must be completed within 18 months from the date the cheque is received by the organization.

Community Facility Enhancement Program (Large)
For Projects from $125,001 – $1,000,000
Community Facility Enhancement Program (CFEP) funding provides financial assistance to acquire, build, purchase, repair, renovate, upgrade or expand sports, recreational, cultural or other related public-use community facilities.
Annual EOI closing date June 15.
Projects must be completed within 18 months from the date the cheque is received by the organization.

Community Initiatives Program
The re-opening of CIP Project-Based grant program will support non-profits in their work to rebuild social connections in Alberta’s communities and support Alberta’s recovery. Non-profit and community organizations will look at the delivery of their programs and services during the COVID-19 health emergency in innovative and creative ways. Please review the CIP PROJECT-BASED GUIDELINES for eligibility and funding criteria.
- Funding will focus on events, festivals, programs and projects delivered in innovative and creative ways.
- Higher priority will be given to:
- projects that consider public health measures
- events and festivals that support economic recover
- programs and projects that support social connectivity

Canada Post Community Foundation Grants
Grants for community-based support projects
Most of the grants we award fall into this category. Eligible projects should increase the capacity of an organization and create or expand services, rather than maintaining existing services. For example, purchasing new equipment or launching new programs.
Project grants are available for projects valued at up to $25,000 each.
Signature Grant
The Signature Grant is meant to contribute to the overall work and mission of national organizations that deliver programs or support to Canadian children and youth.
Up to three (3) Signature Grants of $50,000 each can be awarded each year.
Indigenous Truth and Reconciliation Signature Grant
The Indigenous Truth and Reconciliation Signature Grant is available to Indigenous regional or local organizations offering programming anchored in the principles of Indigenous truth and reconciliation that supports Indigenous children and youth across the country.
One (1) Indigenous Truth and Reconciliation Signature Grant of $50,000 can be awarded each year.
Applications open in February

Local Marketing Grant
The Local Marketing Grant has been developed to support local businesses in the creation of a marketing plan and/or marketing materials that aims to drive cash flow to the business and supports economic recovery.
The grant will allow business owners to enhance their marketing efforts or digital presence while driving local tourism efforts by attracting visitors to the city.

Pursuit of Excellence Grant
The City of Grande Prairie’s Pursuit of Excellence Fund is designed to provide assistance to athletes, coaches, and sport organizations, to achieve “excellence”.
Athletes, Coaches and Sport Organization Funding & Scholarships
Coaching education, particularly locally through clinics, conferences, and symposiums is first priority with the Committee. Applicants may be eligible for up to two-thirds of the funds required; the individual/club is to provide remaining. Application Deadlines February 1 & August 1.
Funding applications received from Referees/ Officials to upgrade their accreditation for their respective sport will be evaluated on an individual basis.
Applicants are encouraged to offer training locally to allow for a greater number of Coaches, Officials, Volunteers to benefit from the training. The Committee may approve up to $1,000 towards:
- Workshops
- Clinics
- Symposiums
Individuals/Teams representing the Province of Alberta and competing at or below the Junior Level who have qualified to attend national or championship competition, not including Invitational Tournaments, may be eligible for the following assistance.
The Bob Neufeld Scholarship provides up to 4 scholarships of $1,000 annually to individuals who are pursuing excellence in their chosen sport(s). Applications can be from individual athletes, volunteer coaches or officials who have a desire to further their expertise in their chosen sport. Applications Deadline October 1.

Come Fly With Me Grant
In 2006, Grande Prairie resident and former Canadian Freestyle Ski Team athlete Ryan Blais established the Come Fly with Me Legacy Fund: an endowment held with the Community Foundation of Northwestern Alberta as a result of the firsthand experience and support he received from our community and region throughout his athletic pursuits. He wished to extend the same opportunities to the next generation of elite level athletes that represent this region on the national and international stage.
This award is given to local athletes who require assistance to enhance their training and development. Recipients should demonstrate and value contributing to their community and strive towards the building of mutually beneficial relationships. Athletes are well positioned to be positive role models in their communities and can be the leaders of tomorrow.

Large Scale Tourism Events Grant
Large Scale Tourism Events funding applications will be considered once per year. The deadline for submission of funding applications is February 1 of each year. Applications are accepted for festivals and sporting events that have a tourism draw of 100 kilometres or greater, resulting in at least 35% of attendance by visitors to our community. A Large Scale Tourism Event would provide a unique audience and/or participant experience, and can result in a significant economic and/or tourism benefit to Grande Prairie. Large Scale Tourism Events are generally a ticketed, multi-day event with an attendance of greater than 2000 people per day.

County of Grande Prairie Capital Grant Program
Recreational and Cultural Facilities provide opportunities for people to enjoy sport, leisure, or community activities that promote healthy, active and satisfying lifestyles. The County is committed to ensuring that Recreational and Cultural Facilities are available to meet the needs of County residents and visitors. County Council offers financial assistance to organizations and neighbouring municipalities to construct, rehabilitate or expand facilities within the County and neighbouring municipalities.
Capital Grants are subdivided into two streams – Major Capital and Capital Assistance, each having its own criteria and funding models.
1. The Capital Assistance Grant funds improvements and repairs to the physical infrastructure of recreational or cultural facilities that serve County residents.
2. The Major Capital Grant funds construction or rehabilitation to the physical infrastructure of facilities that serve County residents.
Application open August 1, 2024.

Community Initiatives Program (CIP)
The Community Initiatives Program (CIP), Project-Based grant stream supports projects that enhance and enrich communities throughout Alberta by providing assistance to non-profit organizations for:
- new programs
- enhancement to an existing program
- community events
- gender equity projects
- technology
- portable equipment
Annual application intake deadlines
- January 15
- May 15
- September 15